On our last morning at Toka Leya we arranged to be taken back out on the Zambezi to hopefully see some hippos. They generally are morning creatures, nap during the afternoon, and then become active again at sundown. So by arranging for a morning trip onto the Zambezi we thought we’d have a good chance to see some. And we did.
They love to wallow in the water with just their eyes, ears, and nose peeking above the waterline.

We also saw some beautiful birds, some of which we are still working on identifying (hah).

This one is a marabou stork, which are very large when they extend their wings.

We were fortunate to get within a few feet of a Nile crocodile again. This one was sunning itself on the banks of the river.

Lastly we saw some beautiful water lillies. There even is a bird that walks on the lilly pads that they call the “Jesus bird” because it looks like it’s walking on water.

It was a beautiful morning.