The roads in Kathmandu are horrifying. We haven’t seen ruts like this in a road since the Oregon Trail. This is why Laura Ingalls Wilder jumped out of her conestoga and said “pa, I can’t do this no more”. They physically hurt to drive on them, that’s how bad they are.
Nevertheless we pressed forward because Bhaktapur is half way to Nagarkot and we wanted to go to Nagarkot in the hopes of catching a glimpse of Mt. Everest. Nagarkot is in the foothills above the Kathmandu Valley and you get a good vantage point of the Himalayan range from there.

Unfortunately no one warns you just how bad the road to Nagarkot is – probably because they’re used to terrible roads! After about a two hour ride inside what felt like a washing machine of an SUV we arrived at the top. They have thoughtfully placed a lookout tower to get an ever better look at Everest. Jeffrey climbed to the top!

From there he saw this beautiful panorama.

As you can see we saw no Everest. It’s not quite far enough past monsoon season and so the clouds tend to congregate near the mountains. Everest would have been seen right behind these clouds.

But there was still plenty to see and we were glad to have gotten to the countryside outside of Kathmandu. People going about their regular day. It’s corn harvesting season here.

People were also hard at work drying corn.

Or carrying harvests from one place to another.

Some were just sitting in the shade.

Our last stop for the day will be the famous Boudhanath stupa, a Buddhist convent.
1 comment
That picture of the woman harvesting corn?!? Amazing. That view is breathtaking.
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