The difference between Vumbura Plains and Savuti is apparent right away – Vumbura has much more water. The Okavango flood had started to creep into the area and so we ran into a lot of water during our game drives, and as a result we ran into a lot of wildlife.

The difference in guides was also apparent. Our guide at Vumbura, Lettie, was much more interested in safely getting as close as possible to the animals. He was quite experienced at reading the animals reactions to the presence of the safari truck and as a result was able to determine whether or not it was safe to get close to them.
On this particular game drive we ran into a family of elephants that were drinking and playing near an area of water.

There were babies with them that were wrestling and generally being as carefree as baby elephants can be. We really couldn’t get enough of the babies as they were so cute!
In these first two pictures they were wrestling in the mud while the mother snacked on the trees.

Then mom decided to get in the water and so the babies followed along with her.

As they ran along they tried to trip each other!

Lettie drove us closer and closer to the family until we were surrounded by them in the water, and then he turned off the truck. The only sounds we heard were of the elephants drinking and splashing in the water. It was incredible!

This fellow filled his trunk with water and then squared up with the truck. We were CONVINCED that he was going to blast us with a snoot full of water but fortunately he didn’t.

This one got spooked by the impalas running through the water and so took off running with them. You could almost hear the other elephants laughing at him.

It was such a joyous experience to be this close to the elephants as they played. They are amazing creatures that deserve our respect.
Love the baby elephants!
A day you will never forget.
Man, that must have been just incredible, to be that close and just watching them interact. Baby freakin’ elephants FCS!!
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