Apparently that’s when they get up and pray because the mosque about 100 feet from our hotel started the Call to Prayer at that time this morning. I sleep with ear plugs and it cut right through those. Sat straight up in bed with a “What the ##$%???”.
However, this morning that’s not a big deal as we were so exhausted from the trip out of India that we were asleep before 10p last night.
On the plus side we were rewarded with these early morning views from our terrace. You’re going to see lots more pictures from our terrace because the view is simply stunning and I imagine the light at different times of the day will yield different results. This is the 6:30a view, first looking southwest, then northwest.

Update: Now that the sun is up, adding a panorama of the entire view from our terrace. It’s best to tap on the photo and see it in a separate window as this blog hoster can’t show you the entire picture so it condenses it and makes it look awful.