Hiring a driver yesterday turned out to be a very effective way to cross venues off our list. By the end of the day we had seen everything we wanted. Maybe not an in depth tour of each, but some of the venues really didn’t require long stays anyway.
So by this morning we were left with just two venues left on the list: Elephanta Caves or Dharavi (Asia’s largest slum and home of the Slum Dog Millionaire).
As I mentioned, Elephanta Caves would require a hot hour long ferry ride (so two hours in broiling heat on a ferry, there and back) or joining an afternoon tour of Dharavi. Getting to Dharavi is a challenge during the mid-day because of traffic, and then we were fearful of the heat.
So we decided to just walk up Marine Drive to Chowpatty Beach and then see what happens. We also decided that whatever we would do, we would be back in the hotel by 3pm in order to avoid heat stroke.
Here are some pictures from our walk along Marine Drive, starting with Jeff looking like he’s broadcasting the news live on location.

Can you feel the heat?