After we walked the length of Marine Drive we took a turn and plunged right into the neighborhood of Girgaon. As we were walking along Marine Drive we decided to return to the hotel (we were melting already!) via an interior street that rums parallel to Marine Drive called Jagannath Shankar Seth Road (JSS Road).
JSS Road is a narrow yet busy thoroughfare that runs south through Girgaon and down through Kaladevi and sort of back to our hotel. We thought it looked like a great walk, and it was.
First up and over the rail tracks.

Then past the cow.

Under the laundry.

Then navigating through the first big intersection:
While you wait to figure out how in the world to safely cross the street, a few neighborhood locals walk on by as they shop.

Shopkeepers are ready for customers, it’s nearly lunch time!

A woman selling vegetables while she cares for her cow.

The walk continues in Part 2: Kaladevi.