The Greenland Estate surrounds 98 Acres and is a large, working tea plantation located in the hills near Ella. Our hotel was surrounded by tea plants and in the mornings gangs of tea pickers would descend upon the plants to pluck leaves for processing into the tea we drink. Interestingly the actual leaves don’t smell or taste at all like tea. They just smell and taste like a common green hedge.
But wow are the fields picturesque.

When you explore the estate you find such incredible beauty. You have to constantly remind yourself that you’re in Sri Lanka because it smashes every pre-conceived notion you may have of this place.

Seriously – do you look at the picture above and think “Sri Lanka”? We thought the picture below was reminiscent of a French country lane and not a road on a tea plantation in Sri Lanka.

The landscapes really were stunning.

Even the wildflowers were gorgeous. We don’t know what these were, but they sure are pretty.

If anyone can identify them please let us know!

But the real stars of the show were the tea fields. Such a unique experience!

Because of the location of tea country in the mountains, the weather is pretty unique. Every so often very threatening monsoon clouds would seep in overhead. But as they worked their way towards the coast they would just evaporate. Quite interesting to watch.

It never really rained, maybe a tiny drizzle. And then just as quickly the sun would come back out. As a result you’re treated to sunrises like this.

This is turning out to be an amazing place and we wouldn’t hesitate to return.