Finally! After countless trips to Paris I finally managed to make it to Cemetaire Pere Lachaise. This is the famous cemetary where many renowned people have been buried. It’s a long list and the cemetary is huge, and we only were able to find a few in the time we had alotted for this visit.
We did manage find Edith Piaf who is buried with her young son.
Also Gertrude Stein and Alice B. Toklas died years apart but are buried together. Gertrude is named on one side of the headstone
And Alice on the other
We left rocks for Gertrude and Alice. The highlight was Oscar Wild’s resting place. They’ve had to place a glass surround on the headstone because the practice had become to kiss his headstone with lipstick, so I imagine the cemetary got real tired of having to scrub that off.
On the back of his headstone is an engraved saying which reads “And their tears will fill for him, pity’s long broken urn; For his mourners will be outcast men, and outcasts always mourn”. Heartbreaking if you’re familiar with this great man’s life story.