Well, Cathay Pacific was once again top notch. We boarded our 747 and turned to the left (our favorite direction when we board!) as the First Class cabin is located in the nose of the aircraft. The cabin is lovely.

The actual suites are exactly the same as on our flight from Chicago to Hong Kong, but this cabin hasn’t been refreshed. Cathay is planning on retiring their 747 fleet, so these cabins won’t be updated. However, the comfort level is just as high. We did get orchids on this leg.

Because this flight is much shorter than Chicago-Hong Kong — this is only 6h40m — the meal service wasn’t as over the top. We did, however, get a caviar course and that’s all that matters. The choices were either Chinese or Indian, no western meals. We both had the Spicy & Sour Chicken with egg fried rice.

What really sets Cathay Pacific apart is their service. It’s gracious and warm and attentive. Jeff had mentioned to one of our flight attendants that we were on a trip to celebrate my birthday and unbenownst to him or me the crew put together a birthday card which they all signed!

Yes, Cathay Pacific is that good. Every minute, however, was getting us closer and closer to India and facing the fears we had about visiting there.

Here we are landing at Mumbai:
Now just hoping our driver is outside customs!