One of the greatest gifts that traveling gives you is perspective. Certainly perspective about just how fortunate we all are to lead the lives we do. I know that sometimes it’s really difficult to remember that, but it only takes a glimpse at what life could be to set you straight.
We’ve been kidding about the luxury that we’ve arranged for this trip, because even with the fortune we have in our lives, the real cost of this trip is well beyond our means. That’s what’s making it fun, but it’s also what is permitting us the perspective. The bratty behavior really is tongue-in-cheek, we’ve really been model guests at every step of the way (Honest George and Geneva!).
But even in a city as wealthy as Hong Kong, today at the Wan Chai market, there were a few moments where I’d be lying if I didn’t say a thank you under my breath.
Nevertheless, travel also teaches you that people are people wherever you go. They may not be the same as you, but that doesn’t mean that they aren’t interested in peace, health, welfare, and love. Here are a few pictures of the wonderful people we had the good fortune of coming across in Hong Kong: