After a brief 1h10m train ride on Thalys/SNCB we found ourselves at Gare du Midi in central Brussels. Hopped into cabs and minutes later we were at our abode for the next three days – the Victoire Terrace townhouse. It is a three bedroom, two bath townhouse that we rented for the weekend.
Sadly I didn’t think through the stair situation when I booked it and as we piled out of the cab and opened the front door we were staring up five flights of stairs to get to the first floor of the apartment. There were another two to get to the bedrooms – for a total of seven flights of stairs. Challenging without luggage, it was almost life threatening with luggage!.
It turned out to be a cute but quite tired place to stay. As a matter of fact the neighborhood we were in – Ste-Gilles – could also be described that way. We wouldn’t stay there again but it was fine for the three days we planned to be in Brussels. Cute view off the front balcony.
After catching our breath, we headed out for dinner and then to mingle with the locals at the public square around the block from our townhouse.
We had a few beers, and as it can happen in Europe when you sit in sidewalk cafes and drink beer, we made some fast friends. Before we knew it all four wheels blew right of the wagon and it was past three in the morning before we stumbled home. Yikes!
Jeff talking rings with Ana. Not pictured were Fabio from Italy, Omar from Jaurez, and Eddie from Canada. A very eclectic group and we had a roaring time.